

Drilling Services: Three Critical Steps for Detecting and Locating Utilities

7 March 2018
Construction & Contractors, Blog

Drilling is an essential process for numerous projects on residential lots, including construction, borehole installation and installation of new piping. If you are planning on carrying out any form of drilling work on your land, you should be diligent in detecting the position of utilities. The common underground services include electricity, water, sewage, data cabling and natural gas lines. The damage of any of these channels can have dire consequences. In simple terms, the workers could be injured, and the property might become contaminated or flooded.
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What Type of Marina Should You Build?

7 March 2018
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Marinas are indispensable facilities for harbouring small boats and yachts. If you are considering building a new marina, plan effectively for construction because marinas are usually a significant investment, so it's important to get it right the first time. Many factors dictate what the ideal marina is and at the centre of these factors is the type of marina to be built. Different marina types are suited for different wave environments, water depths, and boaters among other aspects.
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Grooved vs. Smooth Timber Decking: Which Option is Right for You?

6 March 2018
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

There are plenty of decisions you need to make when picking out decking timber, but one of the most important is whether to choose grooved or smooth decking. There's really no right option, since both types offer several compelling benefits. To make the right choice, simply read through the relative benefits and think about which type sounds more attractive. Why Should You Choose Grooved Decking? Grooved decks are less common than flat decks, but they do offer several compelling benefits, including:
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When to Get a Land Survey for Your Residential Property

6 March 2018
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

If you're thinking of buying vacant land, you might have that plot surveyed, to ensure you know its actual, legal boundaries, and to find any easements, buried lines, and other such potential hazards on that land. However, if you already own property, it can still be good to have it surveyed on occasion. Note when and why you might hire a land surveyor for your residential property, and how their services can benefit and protect you.
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Attachment Issues: The Pros And Cons Of Choosing A Freestanding Carport

1 March 2018
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Providing a sturdy shelter for your car is one of the best ways to prolong its working life and stave off mechanical issues, and constructing a carport is an excellent way to effectively protect your vehicle from the elements without going through the effort and expense of constructing a full-blown garage. However, carports come in a vast array of different shapes and sizes, and choosing the right carport configuration for your needs can be challenging.
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About Me
Planning Contractors and Construction Work

If you are planning to carry out construction work on the interior or exterior of your home, you should first take professional advice. My home is located on quite a steep hill and I decided that I would like to build an extension. Not only would this involve digging a new foundation, it would also involve backfilling some areas of land so the new extension would be properly supported. I decided to call my friend who works as a contractor for a construction company. He offered me lots of great advice and thanks to him the job was a complete success.
