

A Brief Insight on How Demolition Could Benefit Your Remodel

13 March 2018
Construction & Contractors, Blog

When envisioning a remodelling project, you are probably visualising how you will get rid of some surface supplies such as cabinetry, countertops or even flooring to spruce up the appearance of the room that you are renovating. And although these cosmetic changes can have a positive impact on the appearance of your premises, there could be some underlying issues that could translate into an extensive project a few years down the road.
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3 Reasons to Choose Kikuyu Turf for Your Landscaping

12 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Upgrading your landscape may mean looking at the grass you currently have and changing it. You may find that the current grass you have is not growing right or is having issues with overgrowth in areas. One way to counteract this is to change the turf. One option to think about is Kikuyu turf. Here are three reasons to choose Kikuyu turf for your landscaping. Drought Tolerant If you live in an area that does not receive much rainfall, then Kikuyu may be ideal.
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Are Security Doors a Good Choice for Your Home?

12 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to adding security to your home, you have many options from which to choose, including an alarm system, motion detectors with flood lights, a high fence and a guard dog. While each of these options will have their own advantages and benefits, you might consider why security doors can be a good choice instead and when these doors might be especially advantageous for your home and family.
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How to Add a Bit of Rustic Appeal to Your New Home

12 March 2018
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

If you enjoy a slightly rustic look to a modern home and are having a new home built, you might consider a few tips on how to add that rustic, "country" appeal to your space without making your home look like an actual log cabin! A few simple changes to the home's architecture or interior decor can bring in certain rustic elements while still keeping the home modern and updated. Note a few ideas you might discuss with your builder.
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What Can You Do About the Tree Stump Left Behind After Tree Lopping?

12 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you recently had tree lopping service to remove a tree on your property, you might have tree stumps left on your property. Whilst some homeowners don't mind leaving a tree stump on their property, most people don't want that unsightly stump as a key feature of their home landscaping. Fortunately, you've got two other options available: stump grinding and stump removal. Read on to learn the most essential information about these ways to deal with a tree stump after tree removal.
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About Me
Planning Contractors and Construction Work

If you are planning to carry out construction work on the interior or exterior of your home, you should first take professional advice. My home is located on quite a steep hill and I decided that I would like to build an extension. Not only would this involve digging a new foundation, it would also involve backfilling some areas of land so the new extension would be properly supported. I decided to call my friend who works as a contractor for a construction company. He offered me lots of great advice and thanks to him the job was a complete success.
